CA State Legislators Blast President Trump's Immigration Orders

California lawmakers are wasting no time speaking out against the immigration orders President Trump signed on Wednesday.  The legislators saying, "(this state) will have no part in their implementation."

While noting a need for limits on immigration, Senate Leader Kevin DeLeon calls today's Presidential orders counter-productive, divisive and unnecessary.  "These are spiteful and mean-spirited directives that will only instill fear in the hearts of millions of people who pay taxes (and) contribute to our economy and way of life, says DeLeon.

DeLeon says California will not help Trump in his efforts but, rather, use a Democratic super majority in the Legislature to fast-track DeLeon's bill to prevent tax money and law enforcement from helping immigration and customs authorities.  There is also a bill by Senator Ben Hueso to make sure those facing deportation have due process and adequate legal representation.  "Nobody should live in a community of constant fear of their government," insists Hueso. 

Senator Hueso believes immigration reform is long overdue in the U.S.  He blames a "broken system" for tearing families apart rather than offering a path to citizenship.

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